Finley Middle School
Falcon Flyer
37208 S. Finley Rd. l Kennewick, WA 99337
Office: 509.586.7561 l Fax: 509.582.8452
January 2019
College Fair

A group of Finley Middle School 8th grade students had the opportunity to attend the Spokane National College Fair on Tuesday, November 6th. These students were nominated by their teachers and maintained excellent grades in order to be eligible to attend this GEAR UP sponsored event.
Read more about the trip...
Important Dates
21 – NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King Jr. Day Observed
22 – Quarter 3 Begins
31 – Tri-Tech Skills Center High School and Beyond Night
18 – NO SCHOOL, Presidents Day
20 – "Hidden In Plain Sight" presentation, 6:00-8:30 PM
Upcoming Middle School Athletic Events
The Finley Middle School athletics schedules are online at www.finleysd.org/Schools/Finley-Middle-School/Athletics. Take a look at the upcoming home games you can attend in Finley:
Middle School Wrestling
Thurs., Jan. 24
Tues., Feb. 19
All other matches are away. All matches begin at 4:00 PM. View the full FMS Wrestling schedule here.
Girls' Basketball
Tuesday, Jan. 22 vs. Wahluke
Thurs., Jan. 31 vs. Othello (McFarland Jr.)
Thurs., Feb. 7 vs. Connell
Thurs., Feb 14 vs. Burbank
All other games are away. 7th grade plays at 4:00 PM. 8th grade plays after. View the full FMS Girls' Basketball schedule here.
What's Coming Up at FMS?
Parent Shadow Month
Register today for February 2019 Parent Shadow Month at Finley Middle School. Every day is a parent shadow day during the months of February and October, offering parents of students in 6th-8th grade the opportunity to experience the FMS environment by seeing first-hand a day in the life of their student(s). Sign up now to shadow your student next month! (Info here.)
Hidden in Plain Sight
Hidden in Plain Sight is an interactive presentation for adults only. Participants will learn about the signs, symptoms, and current trends of drug/alcohol use, and will learn to identify indicators of drug/alcohol use, depression/suicide, risky sexual behaviors and trafficking. Presentation of Hidden in Plain Sight at Finley Middle School is February 20th from 6:00-8:30 PM.
Tri-Tech Skills Center High School and Beyond Night

All 6th -12th grade students and their families are invited to attend the annual Tri-Tech High School and Beyond Night, taking place Thursday, January 31st from 5-7pm at Tri-Tech Skills Center, located at 5929 W Metaline Ave, Kennewick. All Tri-Tech professional and technical programs will be open for tours, with hands-on activities. Over 100 college/technical schools, apprenticeships, employers and military representatives will be available to help students and their parents plan out the path for life after high school. Hot dog/corn dog meals will be available for $3.
Finley students and families interested in transportation via bus from Finley should contact counselors Rebekah Duty (582-2158) or Sonya Bell (586-7561) at the school offices. Shuttle buses will run from Lawrence Scott Park for overflow parking. For more information about Tri-Tech, visit http://tritech.ksd.org or call 509-222-7300.

Food Pantry
No student should go without food, and Finley School District is committed to assuring that our kids can come to school healthy and focused on being their best. Thanks to a partnership with 2nd Harvest, a new Food Pantry is coming to Finley!
All Finley community members will be able to access free food at the new Food Pantry, which is tentatively scheduled to open in late February at the Finley Community Center. While the details are still being finalized, the plan is to open the Food Pantry on the second and fourth Thursday of each month during the afternoon. This incredible community resource is only possible through the support of the Kennewick Kiwanis (Finley Satellite), Christian Life Fellowship, and the Finley Booster Club. Finley school counselors Sonya Bell and Rebekah Duty sought assistance from district staff members Laurie Tufford and Terri McGaughey to bring their plans to fruition.
Second Harvest is a nonprofit that works with schools and other organizations to "fight hunger and feed hope." Finley's Food Pantry will be stocked by 2nd Harvest with non-perishable food and fresh produce, which in turn is available to our Finley families. Both students and adults are welcome to pick up food from the pantry, and no identification is required. Finley School District will provide more communication about the opening of the Food Pantry as details are finalized.
Highly Capable Program
Does your student have highly developed language skills for his/her age? Does he/she learn quickly and easily, often wanting to go beyond what is being learned? Is he/she emotionally intense or creative or particularly talented in art, music, dance, or drama? These are just a few traits which Highly Capable/gifted/talented students have. Testing for the Highly Capable program will occur in February. If you believe your student should be considered for testing, please contact Highly Capable Liaison Susan Tatum. She can be reached at Finley Elementary. Please phone 586-7577 and leave a message. Be sure to include your student’s name, grade, and teacher, and ask that he/she be considered for testing for the Highly Capable program. You may also email Ms. Tatum at [email protected].
AVISO Programa altamente capaz
El Distrito Escolar Finley estará probando a los estudiantes para el Programa de Altamente Apto or Capáz (dotado / talentoso) este año escolar. Hay múltiples definiciones de altamente capaz, de intellectual, hasta académico o artístico. Si cree que su hijo califica bajo una o más de estas definiciones y debe ser probado para este programa, por favor comuníquese con el Maestra de Alta Capacidad, Susan Tatum, al 509-586-7577 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]. Los estudiantes pueden calificar en los grados desde kindergarten hasta el grado 12. Si califican, se les sirve durante toda su carrera escolar, a menos que usted solicite que su hijo sea removido del programa. Actualmente, los estudiantes son servidos en sus clases regulares.
Military Status Notice
According to RCW 28A.300.505(2)(b) school districts are required to report parent or guardian military status and regularly update the data. Please contact your school office to update your military status if it has changed over the last school year. Ask for the Military Status Survey.
For questions regarding Military Status Survey, contact the District Office at 586-3217.