Dress Regulations

Dress Regulations

It is the general philosophy of Finley School District to eliminate all disruptions to the educational process. As such, the following dress standards are established. Students in violation will be required to change clothing and/or call home for replacement attire. Any staff member in the building may request that clothes be changed and students must do so and report back to that adult before returning to classes. Non-clothing items will be confiscated.

The Principal, in connection with a teacher, support staff, coach, or other person in charge of any regular or extracurricular activity, may regulate the dress and grooming of students who participate in the activity if the Principal reasonably believes that the student’s dress or grooming:

  • creates a hazard to the student’s safety or to the safety of others.
  • shall prevent, interfere with or adversely affect the purpose, direction, or effort required for the activity to achieve its goals.
  • shall be appropriate for the educational setting.
  1. No clothing or jewelry that refers to alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substances; no clothing that insinuates sexual, lewd, discriminatory or violent messages; no clothing deemed inappropriate or offensive by staff members.
  2. Clothing is to fit at the waist; baggy or sagging pants/shorts are not to be worn.
  3. Students are to refrain from wearing any clothing which are backless, bares the midriff, reveals any undergarments, or exposes their body in any way disruptive to the educational process (halters, half-shirts, lace or see-through tops, swimming suit tops, muscle shirts, or shirts with spaghetti straps, etc.). Tank tops have been determined to require a one hand width shoulder strap and have no low-cut or loose-fitting armholes.  Necklines of the student’s top must be at or above the armpits with no cleavage exposed.
  4. No hats, caps, or hoods may be worn in the building during the school day including entry to and exit from school. Hats may be worn during co-curricular events after normal school hours.
  5. No chains other than those manufactured as jewelry.
  6. Shorts and skirts are to be at or below mid-thigh in length. No holes or fraying material in the pants above mid-thigh that show skin.
  7. Tights or leggings must be covered both front and back.
  8. Shoes are to be worn at all times. All shoes must have a hard surfaced sole and bedroom slippers are not allowed.
  9. Sunglasses may not be worn during the school day.
  10. No gang related attire or items will be tolerated.
  11. No long coats (i.e. trench coats).
  12. Overalls are to be completely fastened.

The above standards are not inclusive, but are intended as a help to parents and students to make appropriate decisions about what to wear and bring to school. Parents should carefully monitor what students wear and consider the effect their clothing has on their safety.