Student Misconduct

The following guidelines are in effect for students to establish a range of corrective actions, which may be imposed as a consequence of exceptional misconduct. An ad hoc committee and/or P.T.A. officers have met to define the areas of misconduct and the range of action to be taken. The appeal process for short and long-term suspensions shall remain in effect for short and long range suspensions imposed as a result of this procedure.

Corrective Actions for Exceptional Misconduct
Exceptional Misconduct Minimum Corrective Action Maximum Corrective Action
Possessing and/or using alcohol, illegal chemical substances Short-term suspension, prosecution referral Expulsion, prosecution referral
Threatening or verbal abuse, fighting or physical assault Lunch detention Long-term suspension (90 days)
Setting fire or damaging school property Short-term suspension Long-term suspension (90 days)
Possessing and/or using weapons or explosive devices Short-term suspension Indefinite expulsion, notification to law enforcement
Possessing/using tobacco products Short-term suspension Long-term suspension (90 days)
Disrupting the educational process Lunch detention Long-term suspension (90 days)
Highly inappropriate behavior Short-term suspension Long-term suspension (90 days)
Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation Lunch detention Short-term suspension
Forgery Lunch detention Short-term suspension
Theft Lunch detention Long-term suspension (90 days)
Closed Campus Violation Lunch detention Short-term suspension
Electronic Devices Taken away and parent/adult picks up Taken away, parent/adult picks up and short-term suspension
Computer Misuse Lunch detention Short-term suspension
Public Display of Affection Lunch detention Short-term suspension
Refusing to follow reasonable directions of staff Lunch detention Long-term suspension (90 days)

Prior to the imposition of a corrective action or punishment upon a special education student, the school principal and special education staff who have knowledge of the student’s disability will determine if there is a causal relationship between the disability and the misconduct giving rise to the corrective action or punishment. When a relationship is found to exist, special education programming procedures shall be employed.

Once a student is expelled in compliance with district policy, the expulsion shall be brought to the attention of appropriate local and state authorities, including, but not limited to, the local juvenile authorities acting pursuant to the statutes dealing with the Basic Juvenile Court Act, in order that such authorities may address the student’s educational needs.