
Teachers maintain a disciplined and productive work environment in their classrooms. This environment is a learning zone, and anything disruptive to either the teaching or learning in the classroom is not permitted. This means we expect our students to behave in the classroom, not interfere with the teacher’s right to teach, and not interfere with the other students’ right to learn.

Each classroom teacher will establish the rules that that are appropriate for his/her classroom. Successful Finley Falcons understand that the classroom is for learning and not for horseplay or other disruptive behavior. Although the classroom rules may vary a little bit from classroom to classroom, remember these four simple rules:

  1. Be safe
  2. Be kind
  3. Be respectful
  4. Always do your best

Our building plan is flexible but built on accountability. There are consequences for misbehavior. The consequence may vary based on the severity of the incident and the individual student’s behavioral record. In other words, if you misbehave often, you may find that your consequences also increase.

Level 1 Behavior—Classroom Intervention

Your classroom teacher may ask you to stay after class to discuss your behavior, may change your seat assignment, take a time-out and/or may contact your parents to discuss the problem.

Level 2 Behavior—Discipline Referral

Discipline Referral Form is a teacher directed referral for misbehavior for other mild disruptions. You may be sent out of the class for a portion of the period, meet with an office staff member and your teacher concerning the behavior.

Level 3 Behavior—Sent Directly to the Office

Most Finley Middle School Students are not directly referred to the office. However, if you continue to misbehave, disrupt the education of others, you will soon be headed to the office. Office consequences may include: Lunch Detention, After-School Detention, In-School suspension (ISS), or out-of-school suspension (OSS).