Nov. '19 FMS Falcon Flyer School Newsletter

November 2019 Falcon Flyer Newsletter
Important Dates
- 11 – NO SCHOOL, Veteran's Day
- 12-13 - NO SCHOOL, Conferences
- 27-29 – NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break
- 23-31 – NO SCHOOL, Winter Break
- 1-3 – NO SCHOOL, Winter Break
- 20 - NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Middle School Boys Basketball Schedule
All games start at 4:00 PM. Home games at Finley Middle School.
- Tue., 12/03 - at College Place
- Mon., 12/09 - at Ki-Be Middle School
- Thu., 12/12 - at Columbia (Burbank) High School
- Tue., 12/17 - McFarland Junior High
- Thu., 12/19 - at Warden High School
Fall Sports End & Winter Sports Begin
Falcon Volleyball and Football have concluded for the year. The teams did a great job of competing this last fall. Our football team finished with a 1-5 record, while our volleyball teams finished 1-7.
Boys Basketball and Dance have begun and will start playing games here soon (see basketball game schedule above). Come watch the boys play hoops while the dance team performs at halftime.

Annual Finley Parent Survey
Parents and guardians of Finley students are encouraged to take our annual Parent Survey. You can complete the survey confidentially online, or by picking up a printed copy of the survey in any of our schools or district office and returning it to the collection boxes at our offices.
We want to know what's going well, where we need to make improvements, and how we can make our schools the best place for your children. The survey is completely anonymous, and our district administrators are already making changes based on last year's survey feedback. Your voice does matter! Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
5 Things Parents Can Do to Help Their Child Succeed in School
- Build relationships with your child's teachers. Find out what each teacher expects of your child and how you can help him or her prepare to meet those expectations.
- Read. Reading is the foundation for all learning. Expose your child to a wide variety of reading materials (newspapers, magazines, books, Internet Web sites) and be ready to discuss what he or she has learned. Helping your child develop strong reading habits and skills is one of the most important contributions you can make to your child's education.
- Make math part of everyday life. Cooking, gardening, paying bills, balancing a checkbook, and even shopping are all good ways to get to the right answer and encourage your child to explain his or her method.
- Ask your child to explain his or her thinking. Ask lots of questions. Teenagers should be able to explain their reasoning, how they came up with the right answer, and why they chose one answer over another.
- Spend time at school. The best way to know what goes on in your child's school is to spend time there. If you're a working parent, this isn't easy, and you may not be able to do it very often. But "once in a while" is better than "never."
What's Coming Up at FMS?
2nd Harvest Turkey Mealboxes
Saturday, November 23 from 11 AM - 1 PM
at the Benton County Fairgrounds (1500 S Oak Street, Kennewick, WA 99337)
Finley Community Computer Lab
Come and join us for…
Free internet access
Learn how to access Skyward.
Check your student’s grades on Skyward.
Learn a second language with (please bring your own headsets with microphone).
Students must be accompanied by an adult at all times
Day: Wednesday
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Location: Finley Middle School
For directions or questions please call:
Anita Reyna, 509-586-7561
Holiday Helping Hands
Saturday, December 14th at 8:00 AM
Finley Community Center (located on the corner of Game Farm Rd and Finley Rd)
Residents of Finley who are in need of assistance are welcome to come to the Finley Community Center on Saturday, December 14th to receive food, toiletries and articles of clothing.
Military Status
According to RCW 28A.300.505(2)(b) school districts are required to report parent or guardian military status and regularly update the data. Please contact your school office to update your military status if it has changed over the last school year. Ask for the Military Status Survey.
For questions regarding Military Status Survey, contact the District Office at 586-3217.