FMS School Improvement Plan

Finley Middle School Improvement Plan 2024–2025

Download a print-friendly version of the 2024-2025 SIP here: English | Spanish

School District: Finley School District
Building Name: Finley Middle School
Date: 06/16/2024

Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary: Based on a CNA of Finley Middle School, the school will focus on the growth and achievement of all students with emphasis on ELLs and SWD.

School Goals #1-3:  By the Spring of 2025, we will increase Math, Reading, and Behavior growth and achievement for ELLs and SWD from Aug 2023 to June 2025 as measured by measures of growth and achievement (See list below)


By June of 2025, in collaboration with families, Finley Middle School will decrease the percentage of all students who are one or more grade levels below standard on the iReady diagnostic from 79.5% to 60%.  Finley Middle School will increase the percentage of students with disabilities meeting their iReady stretch goal from 21% to 50% and increase the percentage of Multilingual Learners meeting their iReady stretch growth goal from 29% to 50%.


By June of 2025, in collaboration with families, Finley Middle School will decrease the percentage of all students who are one or more grade levels below standard on the iReady diagnostic from 74% to 60%.  Finley Middle School will increase the percentage of students with disabilities meeting their iReady stretch goal from 11% to 40% and increase the percentage of Multilingual Learners meeting their iReady stretch growth goal from 11% to 40%.


In partnership with our students and families, Finley Middle School will develop and implement a Tier I school-wide support system for student behavior resulting in an implementation score that will increase from 78% to at least 90% as measured by the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory by June 2025 (Met Original Goal by June 2024).

In partnership with our students and families, Finley Middle School will decrease the total number of referrals for students from 668 to 568, which represents a 15% decrease in total number of referrals by June of 2025. 

Evidence-based Activities to Meet Goals


Activity 1

We will utilize a data protocol to analyze current iReady lessons by WSIF identified groups for the purpose of designing appropriate interventions for students.

Activity 2
Our students will set yearly individual iReady math goals.


Activity 1
We will utilize a data protocol to analyze current iReady/READ 180 lessons by WSIF identified groups for the purpose of designing appropriate interventions for students.
Activity 2
Our students will set quarterly individual reading goals and pass quizzes by 70% to make their goals.


Activity 1 

Finley MS will develop a Tier 1 team that includes a Tier 1 systems coordinator and individuals able to provide (a) applied behavioral expertise, (b) coaching expertise, (c) knowledge of student academic and behavior patterns, (d) knowledge about the operations of the school across grade levels and programs.  Defining problem behaviors, consistent instruction addressing behavior expectations, and training for staff about PBIS.

Activity 2

A formal Feedback and Acknowledgement System will be designed (i.e., written set of procedures for specific behavior feedback that is [a] linked to school-wide expectations and [b] used across settings and within classrooms) is in place and used by at least 90% of a sample of staff and received by at least 50% of a sample of students.


Measuring and Progress Monitoring Goals


Math Activity 1 

Short-Term: The math educators will analyze the iReady lessons weekly. Three times/year, I-Ready formative assessments will be reviewed and student engagement with the personalized lessons will be monitored weekly by the content teachers.

Long-Term:  SBA is our long-term measure to determine our growth.  The data will be disaggregated by our WSIF identified groups to inform our instruction and need for training.

Math Activity 2 

Short-Term:  Students will set their goals after the fall iReady assessment. The students will review their goals and evaluate their progress twice a year.

Long-Term: SBA is our long-term measure to determine our growth.  The data will be disaggregated by our WSIF identified groups to inform our instruction and need for training.


ELA Activity 1 

Short-Term: The ELA educators will analyze the iReady lessons weekly. Three times/year, I-Ready formative assessments will be reviewed. Student engagement with the personalized lessons will be monitored weekly by the content teachers.

Long-Term: SBA is our long-term measure to determine our growth.  The data will be disaggregated by our WSIF identified groups to inform our instruction and need for training.

ELA Activity 2 

Short-Term: The ELA teachers will do goal setting activities with students quarterly. The percentages of quizzes passed with 70% or more accuracy will be reviewed with students.

Long-Term:  Students will increase overall reading grade level by a minimum of one grade level.


Behavior Activity 1 

Short-Term:  SW PBIS TFI will be administered every third or fourth meeting until we reach at least 70% fidelity across three consecutive administrations. 

Long-Term:  SWIS Year-End report for majors and minors will be examined by WSIF identified student groups to determine the level of progress due to the development of a Tier I team focusing on 

Behavior Activity 2 

Short-Term: On a monthly basis we will analyze the % of staff using the feedback and acknowledgement system and the % of students receiving feedback 

Long-Term:  At year-end we will examine our progress and design new targets for the 2025-2026 school year.

Team Progress Monitoring of Goal
Monthly:  PBIS and PLC meetings - Grade-level MLs/SWD

Weekly: PLC meetings - Grade-level MLs/SWD

Resources & Funding Focused on Meeting Goals

*PD: Books for Finley Middle School Staff 

*Materials and Supplies: Book Study groups

*Time: Timesheets will possibly be needed for those participating outside school day 

*PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI): A validated SWPBIS fidelity of implementation measure that assesses all three tiers of support..

*Time: Monthly Meetings. (1 hr.) will be scheduled for the PBIS/Tier I Implementation Team. Time sheets will be needed for 30 minutes of the time for approximately 5 staff members.

*Purchase student monitor system for Chromebooks