The following topics and information can be found in our Student Handbook. You can download an print-friendly version of our
2024-2025 Student Handbook as a PDF here.
Message from the Principal
Dear Finley Middle School Parents and Students,
Welcome to the new school year at Finley Middle School! We are delighted to have you join our vibrant and dynamic school community. Whether you are returning to our halls or joining us for the first time, we are excited to embark on this journey of learning and growth together.
To ensure that everyone has a successful and enjoyable year, we have put together the Finley Middle School Handbook. This handbook is designed to provide you with important information about our school policies, expectations, and resources. It is a valuable tool that will help guide you through the school year.
Inside the handbook, you'll find details on:
- School policies and procedures
- Attendance and dress code guidelines
- Academic expectations and support services
- Extracurricular activities and more
We encourage you to review the handbook with your child so that you are both familiar with the information and expectations for the year ahead.
How to Access the Handbook:
- The handbook is available on our school website.
- A printed copy will be available in the office for anyone that would like a copy.
Our goal is to create a positive and supportive environment where every student can thrive. By working together and staying informed, we can make this school year a memorable and successful one.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you every step of the way.
Thank you for being a part of the Finley Middle School family. Let’s make this year the best one yet!
Michael Harrington
Principal, Finley Middle School
Middle School Staff
Mr. Harrington ....................................................... Principal
Mrs. Bell ................................................................... Counselor
Mrs. Vasquez ........................................................... Secretary
Mrs. Reyna ............................................................... Secretary
Mrs. Anderson ............................. Special Education
Mr. Bush ........................................ Agriculture
Mr. Carrasco ................................ Spanish
Mr. Chavez .................................... Physical Education/History
Mrs. Chenault ............................... Special Education
Mr. Clayton ................................... Science/Electives
Mr. Davis ....................................... Band/Choir
Mr. Dupuis .................................... Physical Education
Mrs. Fabbri .................................. History
Ms. Freitag ................................... English Language Arts
Mrs. Gore ...................................... Title I/LAP Support
Mr. Hayfield ................................. Science/Elective
Mrs. Johnson ............................... Math/History
Mr. Johnson ................................. Math
Mr. Smith ..................................... Math/Elective
Mr. Welch ..................................... Physical Education
Mr. Westberg .............................. English Language Arts/Elective
Mrs. Yochum................................. Agriculture
Mrs. Grow ................... Para-Educator
Mrs. Olson ............... Head Cook
Mrs. Finley .................. Cook
Ms. Nimietz ............. Food Service Cashier
Mr. Boyce .................... Custodian
Mrs. Westfall ......... Lunch Custodian
Mrs. Malone ................ Para-Educator
Ms. Collins ................ Para-Educator
Ms. Farrare…..…………..Para-Educator
Red, White, and Black
Finley Middle School encourages students to use their natural and learned talents to make positive impact on both their community and world in which they live!
- We expect students to make good decisions, show respect and solve problems.
- Respect for us and others is essential.
- Everyone can make a difference.
- Everyone can learn and succeed by being accountable for your own learning and behavior.
- Everyone impacts learning.
- Attendance is essential.
Each staff member recognizes and supports the needs of the adolescent and is committed to:
- A safe, respectful learning environment.
- A caring environment that nurtures each student’s academic, emotional, social, and physical development.
- A varied program offering instructional opportunities to meet the unique needs and interest of students.
- Social experiences that prepare students for adult roles.
- High expectations for students, staff, and parents, providing an optimum climate for learning.
- Well-trained staff capable of preparing for the future.
General Information
Academic Expectations
Middle school students are expected to pass ALL classes. It is the responsibility of all students to apply consistent and sustained effort toward learning experiences that are assigned. Students with six or more failing grades will be required to pass summer school to be promoted to the next grade. Recommendations for promotion or retention will be made by May 30th each year. The building principal will make the final decision about retention.
Appointments During School Hours
Whenever possible, we encourage student appointments to be after school hours. However, we realize this sometimes is not feasible. If it is necessary for parents to pick up a student during school hours, it will save a lot of time if you will follow the guidelines below.
- Parent/guardian should send a note with student stating the time parent will arrive for pick up.
- The student is to show the note to the teacher. The teacher will release the student at the appropriate time and student will report to the office.
- Parent/guardian signs student out.
- If the student returns to school the same day, he/she will sign in at the office and obtain an admit slip.
Associated Student Body (ASB)
The ASB works to promote student interest and plan student activities. Money from fundraisers and the sale of ASB membership supports all sports teams, equipment, uniforms, team travel and officials. ASB also provides materials for other school activities such as academic recognition, school improvement projects, dances, field trips and socials. All students who participate in co-curricular activities must pay for ASB membership. A sticker will then be placed on the student’s I.D. card. The fee for Middle School students is $20.00.
In case of an absence, the student must bring a written statement from the parent/guardian explaining the absence. This note must be presented at the office BEFORE the student reports to class.
- Excused Absences
- Illness or health condition, verified by a parent or guardian. For extended or frequent illness, the building Principal will require a doctor’s statement.
- Activities scheduled by student and parent, pre-arranged and approved by building administration at least one day in advance of absence.
- An unexcused absence may be changed to excused with a parent note and administration approval. This must be done within five (5) days of the absence.
- Class work may be made up—2 days for every 1 day they are gone
- Unexcused Absences. An unexcused absence is any absence that is not included under Section A above. Truancy is also an unexcused absence.
- Tardiness. Students are expected to be in class on time. For purposes of this policy, a student more than ten (10) minutes late for class is recorded by the teacher as absent.
- Tardy Policy - Resets Every Quarter
- 1st tardy—Warning
- 2nd tardy—Warning
- 3rd tardy—Warning
- 4th tardy—Lunch Detention Assigned by Principal
- * For every 2 tardies thereafter—student will be assigned a Lunch Detention.
Bicycles, Skateboards, Skates and Scooters
All bicycles must be securely chained to the bike rack provided upon arrival to school. It is the student’s responsibility to provide his or her own lock and chain. For safety reasons, the use of skateboards, skates or roller blades is not permitted on campus. Students must be OFF CAMPUS before riding.
Each teacher is responsible for the conduct of students in his/her room and will have classroom
regulations relating to student welfare and responsibilities. Each teacher will, at the beginning
of each school year, review classroom rules and procedures with all class members.
Closed Campus
Finley Middle School is a closed campus school. This means that students must remain on campus during the entire school day from the time they arrive at school until the end of the scheduled day. A student may leave campus for an appointment or activity only with parent/guardian permission AND ONLY AFTER SIGNING OUT IN THE OFFICE.
Dances / Activities
Students attending school dances will not be allowed to leave and return. Only Finley Middle School Students may attend FMS Dances. Students participating in or attending after school activities must be in school for one-half (1/2) day on the day of the activity, unless the absence is a result of participation in a school-sponsored activity. REMEMBER: All school rules and policies are in force at any school activity.
Teachers maintain a disciplined and productive work environment in their classrooms. This environment is a learning zone, and anything disruptive to either the teaching or learning in the classroom is not permitted. This means we expect our students to behave in the classroom, not interfere with the teacher’s right to teach, and not interfere with the other students’ right to learn.
Each classroom teacher will establish the rules that that are appropriate for his/her classroom. Successful Finley Falcons understand that the classroom is for learning and not for horseplay or other disruptive behavior. Although the classroom rules may vary a little bit from classroom to classroom, remember these four simple rules:
- Be Safe
- Be Kind
- Be Respectful
- Always do your Best
Our building plan is flexible but built on accountability. There are consequences for misbehavior. The consequence may vary based on the severity of the incident and the individual student’s behavioral record. In other words, if you misbehave often, you may find that your consequences also increase.
Property Regulations
It is recommended by Finley Middle School that valuable property items remain at home. If they are brought to school, it must be with the understanding that you do so at your own risk.
Cell phones and other electronics may only be used in the common area before school, during lunch and after school. These electronics including (headphones, earbuds, etc.) are to be turned off and stored in backpacks during all other times. Such devices are intended for individual use and should not be used for group viewing and listening. Devices may not be used in the hallways during the school day and between classes. Cell phones will not be allowed in the locker-room and must remain in your pocket when using the restroom. Violations of this expectation will result in the following discipline.
- First and Second Offense: Device will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the school day in the office. Parents will be contacted.
- Third Offense: Device will be confiscated and a meeting with a school administrator will be set up to establish a contract/plan to encourage the student to use their devices appropriately.
Fees such as ASB cards and lost/damaged school articles are set annually and must be paid prior to the completion of the current school year. Fees and fines outstanding will result in holding records until paid. Report cards will not be distributed to students who owe fines or fees.
Hallway Behavior
- Walk on the right, now running.
- Hands and feet to yourself.
- Classroom voices.
- No bumping, shoving, or body contact permitted.
- Do not block hallways.
Treat all people with dignity and respect at all times.
I.D. Cards
Identification cards will be issued to each student. They are used for admittance to school functions and for library check out. They also serve as lunch cards for students. Replacement cost for a card will be $5.00.
Internet Policy
District Policy allows all students access to the internet for school use unless an OPT-OUT form is signed and on file in the office. Internet use is monitored by the district and inappropriate
use could lead to loss of access and suspension from school.
Loitering After School
Students who are not participating in school-sanctioned activities (i.e., sports, clubs, tutoring, etc.) are to leave the campus at the end of the regular school day unless working under staff supervision.
Child Nutrition
Finley Middle School is an approved Community Eligibility Provision school (CEP), meaning all students at Finley Middle School can receive one free breakfast and one free lunch per day.
Second Chance Breakfast at the Middle School
Finley Middle School will offer breakfast after first period only. Students will have the option to pick up a Grab and Go breakfast in the commons area between 1st and 2nd period.
Lunch will be served in the cafeteria. Extra menu items can be purchased if a student has money in their meal account. No charging is allowed. Funds can be added to a student’s account via the eFunds Parent Portal on the school’s or district’s website or by sending money to school with your student.
Please see the Child Nutrition page of the district’s website for menu item pricing.
Medications at School
Any medication required during the school day must be kept in the office. An authorization form signed by both the physician and parent must accompany the medication. This form is needed for prescriptions as well as any over the counter medications such as aspirin, tylenol, ibuprofen and cough drops.
Photo Permission
Classroom activities and school events sometimes are photographed for purposes of news media coverage or school publicity (newsletters, website, brochures, etc). If you do NOT wish to have your child(ren) photographed for such purposes, an OPT-OUT form must be signed and on file in the office. A form must be completed for each child you wish NOT to be photographed.
School Day / Schedule
Our school day begins at 7:50 a.m. and ends at 2:20 p.m., except on Wednesday when school ends at 12:30 p.m. Students arriving after the 1st period tardy bell need to use the front office entrance and sign in. Students who have notes for being absent may come to the office beginning at 7:25 a.m. After school, all students must leave campus or be in a supervised activity by 2:30 p.m. Office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily.
Regular Day
Period 1 |
7:50 – 8:48 |
Breakfast |
8:48 – 8:54 |
Period 2 |
8:54 - 9:50 |
Period 3 |
9:54 - 10:50 |
Lunch |
10:50 - 11:20 |
Period 4 |
10:54-11:50 |
Lunch |
11:50 - 12:20 |
Period 4 |
11:24-12:20 |
Period 5 |
12:24-1:20 |
Period 6 |
1:24-2:20 |
Early Release Wednesday
Period 1 |
7:50 – 8:27 |
Breakfast |
8:27 – 8:33 |
Period 2 |
8:33 – 9:10 |
Period 3 |
9:14 - 9:52 |
Period 4 |
9:56 – 10:34 |
Lunch |
10:34 - 11:04 |
Period 5 |
10:38 – 11:16 |
Lunch |
11:16 - 11:46 |
Period 5 |
11:08 – 11:46 |
Period 6 |
11:50 – 12:30 |
Students in the Office for Disciplinary Reasons
Students who have been sent to the office for any disciplinary reason must comply with the request of school staff without disrupting the office. If the student is disrespectful or disruptive, parents will be contacted, and the student will face progressive disciplinary actions.
Telephone Use
The office phone is a business phone and is available to students only in the case of ILLNESS or EMERGENCY. Remember to make arrangements for a ride home IN ADVANCE.
Finley Middle School students in general have a reputation for treating their school very well and the school is in excellent condition. The Finley School Board has consistently allocated funds to maintain the building in excellent condition.
When vandalism or destruction of school property occurs, the cost of repairing it will be charged to the person or persons responsible if it is possible to identify them.
Our school encourages parents to visit their student’s classes. All visitors must register in the
school office. No one will be allowed to visit a classroom or student during school hours without
approval from the Principal’s office. Such permission must be obtained in advance.
NOTE: Permission will not be granted for school age friends/relatives to visit school.
Student Rights and Responsibility Code
This code sets forth the written rules and regulations of the Finley School District regarding student
conduct, corrective action and rights, and it indicates the types of misconduct for which discipline,
suspension and expulsion may be imposed. In addition to these rules and regulations, each school in the
District may provide additional rules and procedures regarding student conduct and the administering of
corrective action at that school.
This handbook is promulgated and distributed pursuant to Washington Administrative Code Chapter 180-
40, which prescribes substantive and procedural due process rights of students. A copy of board policies
and WAC 180-40 may be obtained from the Office of the Superintendent of the District.
This handbook is also in compliance with Public Law 101-2226, the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
Amendments. Compliance with standards of conduct is mandatory.
In-School Suspension
Guidelines for the in-school suspension program are as follows:
- A student who is afforded the opportunity to be assigned to the in-school suspension program as an option to suspension shall agree to the conditions specified by the school principal. Unless the student is of majority age, concurrence from the parent or guardian is necessary.
- The in-school suspension program is designed to encourage learning. Students will be expected to work on their classroom assignments at all times.
- Any act of inappropriate conduct may result in denial of this alternative to other corrective actions.
- A student shall remain isolated from other students throughout the school day and will be denied the opportunity of participating in any school activities while in the in-school suspension program.
- An assignment to the in-school suspension program shall not exceed five days. As such, the appeal process for a short-term suspension shall be in effect.
- After a student is placed back into the regular classroom(s), the principal will monitor the student's progress on a daily basis. The student will be encouraged to maintain a relationship with the school counselor as a means of dealing with any problems that arise.
Emergency Expulsion
A student may be excluded from school prior to a hearing without other forms of corrective action if the principal reasonably believes the student is an immediate and continuing danger to himself/herself, other students, staff, or administrators or is a substantial disruption to the educational process of the district. Such emergency expulsion shall continue until the student is reinstated by the principal or until a fair hearing is held and a final determination reached. The hearing officer may continue the emergency expulsion if he/she finds that the student continues to present an immediate and continuing danger to himself/herself, other students, staff, or administrators or continues to cause a substantial disruption to the educational process of the district.
The provisions governing notice and hearing of regular long-term suspensions or expulsions shall apply except:
- Written notice of the emergency expulsion shall be sent by certified letter deposited in the U. S. mail within twenty-four hours of the expulsion or by hand delivery to the student’s parent(s) or guardian(s) within twenty-four hours of the expulsion and documenting delivery by obtaining his or her signature acknowledging receipt or the written certification of the person making the delivery;
- The parent and student shall have ten school business days after receipt of the notice during which to request a hearing. A schedule of “school business days” potentially applicable to the exercise of such hearing right should be included with the notice; and
- The hearing officer shall render the decision within 1 school business day after the conclusion of the hearing.
Emergency Removal
A student may be removed immediately from a class or subject by a teacher or administrator without other forms of corrective action and sent to the principal or a designated school official, without first attempting corrective action, provided that the teacher or administrator has good and sufficient reason to believe that the student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to the student, other students or staff or an immediate and continuing threat of substantial disruption of the class, subject, or educational process of the student’s school. The removal shall continue only until:
The danger or threat ceases, or
The principal acts to impose discipline, impose a short-term or long-term suspension or expulsion or to impose an emergency expulsion.
The principal shall meet with the student as soon as reasonably possible following the student’s removal and take or initiate appropriate corrective action or punishment. In no case shall the student’s opportunity for such meeting be delayed beyond commencement of the next school day.
The teacher or administrator who removed the student shall be notified of the action, which has been taken or initiated.
Readmission Application Procedures
Any student who has been suspended or expelled shall be allowed to make application for readmission at any time. If a student desires to be readmitted to the school from which he/she has been suspended/ expelled, the student shall submit a written application to the principal, who shall recommend admission or non-admission. If a student wishes admission to another school, he/she shall submit the written application to the superintendent. The application shall include:
- Reasons the student wants to return and why the request should be considered;
- Evidence which supports the request; and
- A supporting statement from the parent or others who may have assisted the student.
NOTE: The superintendent shall, in writing, advise the parent and student of the decision within seven (7) school days of the receipt of such application.
Nondiscrimination, Title IX & Section 504:
Finley School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator
Rene` Cooper, Human Resource Specialist:
Address: 224606 E Game Farm Rd., Kennewick WA 99337
Telephone Number: 509-586-3217
Email: [email protected]
Gender-Inclusive Coordinator
Rene` Cooper, Human Resource Specialist:
Address: 224606 E Game Farm Rd., Kennewick WA 99337
Telephone Number: 509-586-3217
Email: [email protected]
Section 504/ADA Coordinator
Amy McLaughlin, Director of Special Programs:
Address: 224606 E Game Farm Rd., Kennewick WA 99337
Telephone Number: 509-586-3217
Email: [email protected]
Title IX Coordinator
Bryan Long, Superintendent:
Address: 224606 E Game Farm Rd., Kennewick WA 99337
Telephone Number: 509-586-3217
Email: [email protected]
Title IX inquiries may also be directed toward the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
Please consult the District’s website for more information regarding Discrimination Complaint Procedures.